From well child visit to Medicare wellness visits, we offer it all. Call today to schedule your wellness.
From pap smears to planning pregnancy, we offer a wide range of well women services.
Does your child need a sports or school physical? Or did you recently get a new job and need and employment physical? We offer physicals for all ages.
We are proud to offer CDL physicals for our established patients.
We offer Free Vaccines for Children (VFC) to eligible patients as well as common immunizations through adulthood. For more information on vaccines please contact our office.
Our Providers are trained to manage a variety of chronic health problems such as Diabetes, COPD, Heart Failure, Atrial Fibrillation etc
We offer same day appointments for minor cuts, scrapes, and sprains.
We also offer visits for illnesses such as common cold, bronchitis, sinus infection, vomiting, pneumonia, flu, strep, covid-19, ear infections, pink eye, rash, gastritis.
We offer simple skin procedures. Please contact our office with any questions.
We work with various Workers Comp panels to continue to provide comprehensive care to our patients.